Friday, 14 November 2014

Taking My Images


These are all of the images I took during my photo-shoot. I took over 300 images because I wanted to make sure I found the right clothes, placement and posture of the model to suit my main image on the front cover of my magazine.

I only shot my images in one place because I didn't want a scenic backdrop for my front cover.


This is how I set the room out which I used to shoot all of my images:

This is before lighting has been applied:
This is after lighting has been applied:

I used the following props with my model:
-A snood
-A pink necklace
-Masquerade masks
-A brown hat
-A skirt
Also I placed my model in different positions and changed some items of clothing.

I started off placing my model in different positions but I felt the it didn't show any of the models emotions.

I added a jacket to my model , however I don't think this was very effective. It made the model look uncomfortable and I don't like the position of the hair (in a ponytail).

I added sunglasses to my model but this didn't fit into the my chosen genre.

I added a phone into the image but I didn't feel this was effective in capturing the model's emotions. However the phone did have a vintage feel which would have suited my genre very well.

I placed a pink necklace around my model and it worked really well. Unfortunatley on reflexion I didn't think the images would work well on the front cover of my magazine.


Masquerade mask:
The masquerade mask captured the model's eyes really effectively however to use as the image for my front cover, wouldn't work very well.


Bunny Ears:
I tried some bunny ears onto my model, but this was irrelevant to my genre.
I used a fan to make the hair of my model look like it was in the wind. This is not suitable for my genre though and the photos I took didn't give this off this effect.

On The Floor:
I placed my model in different positions on the floor. This worked well as it captured the emotions of the model. Unfortunatley this isn't suitable for my front cover.

I used two types of fascinators, my favourite is the black one because this suited the model. I then placed my model in different positions to show different angles of the fascinators.

Fascinators and Sunglasses:
I paired these two types of props together to create a different style.


Over The Shoulder Jacket:
I placed a blazer of the model's shoulder, to give a relaxed and chilled image of the model. This didn't have the correct effective for my magazine.

A hat has been used to show a quirky side to the model. These images have been really effective.

Full Body:
I took some long shots to show the full length of my model. These images may be suitable for my contents page.

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