Friday, 31 October 2014

The Price Of My Magazine


These are three existing magazines which I can take inspiration from:

The NME magazine is published weekly.
The cost of this music magazine is about £4.50
The MOJO magazine is published monthly.
The cost of this music magazine is about £4.80
You also receive a free CD.

The Q magazine is published monthly
The cost of this music magazine is about £4.00

Survey Monkey:
In my survey I found that 20 people said they would be willing to pay £4-£4.50 for a monthly Motown magazine. Therefore my music magazine is going to cost £4.50 and it will be published monthly. This is because I have looked at existing costs of music magazines and compared the data with my audience survey.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

A Fashion Magazine

 A Magazine Which I Can Take Inspiration From

This shows the front cover and contents page of a fashion magazine called XOXOTheMag. This magazine also consists of music and art features. The reason why I took inspiration from this magazine is because it shows a black woman as the main and only artists on the front cover. This is something I would like to show on the front cover of my music magazine.


Friday, 17 October 2014

My Audience- Survey Monkey

1. Define Demographic and Pshychographic in relation to audience
2. Create an on line survey/ questionnaire , using Survey Monkey
3. At least 10 people - who like Motown music

Demographic Questions:
1. Male or Female
3. Employment status-
Students (16+)
School pupils
Professional (have a qualification for there area of work)
Skilled ( Beauty , Plummer- no quals needed)
Manual (shop worked, box packer)
4. Income-
£0 - £10K
£11 - £15K
£16 - £20K
£21 - £30K
(Higher earners can afford to pay more)

1. Which of the following artists are your favourite?
- The Supremes
- Marvin Gaye
- Diana Ross
- Marther Reeves and The Vandelles
- etc
2. How do you consume music?
- Radio
- CD
- Downloads
- Illegal downloads
3. Which of the below is your favourite brand?-----------MAY NOT NEED THIS QUESTION--------
-  Addias
-  Vogue
4. How often do you often go and watch live music? ------ MAY NOT NEED THIS QUESTION------
5. How much would you be willing to pay for a  monthly magazine
- £3- £3.50
-£3.60 - £ 4.10
- etc
6. How often do you read about music on the internet?------- MAY NEED A WEB VERSION-------
- Never
- Once a week
- Everyday
7. Which name for a Motown magazine do you prefer?

Friday, 10 October 2014


Upcoming Tasks

1. 3 magazines- context analysis

2. 1 magazine (Motown genre) - LIIAR analysis: Front cover, contents, DPS

3. Survey Monkey - min of 10people

4. Audience research data

5. The price of my magazine... based upon research
 e.g Mojo is £... for... pages... published every ..... . It has a subscription offer....(free to use the website)

LIIAR Analysis

This is my LIIAR analysis of the music magazine Q. This has helped me make my own music magazine. LIIAR stands for:

Front Cover

This is a front cover of Q music magazine in which the main article is about The Beatles , it uses many forms of media language across the front cover.
Firstly the main story is situated across the middle of the magazine. I think this is effective because it is the largest text which appears on the front cover therefore it is the most appealing feature to the audience. The white, bold font makes it stand out against the supporting articles, so this helps to reinforce what the main feature of the magazine is going to be about. Also it implies the genre in which the Beatles played in. Therefore it could suggests the type of music/ artists which are found in Q  magazine.
Secondly the masthead, is situated to the left of the magazine in a red box with the letter Q in white writing. This format is a recognisable icon of the front cover of this music magazine because it hasn’t changed in many years. This is effective as it separates this magazine from the other music magazines and it is an easy title to notice on a newsstand.
Thirdly the main image is of The Beatles, this is because this is who the main article in the magazine is about. I think the image used is effective as it shows the Beatles at a young age. This is a iconic pose of the Beatles, which is also effective as it reinforces who the main article is about. The picture of Paul McCartney and the pull quote are both effective as it shows how he has changed from when he was younger and  how he is speaking out about the great times he had , being in the greatest band  of all time.
Fourthly all the articles follow the same colour scheme, this makes the magazine look sophisticated and makes it easier to find each article.  The colours match each other very well which means the audience can see each article clearly.
Finally the barcode is situated at the bottom of the magazine which is a typical convention. The barcode is also one of the smallest features on the front cover as this is the least important feature
for a music magazine. The issue date and price of the magazine are also placed on top of the barcode, this means that is doesn't distract away from the main articles which are more important features of the magazine.

Q  is published monthly, in the UK. The founders of Q are Mark Ellen and David Hepworth, they set up Q in October 1986, because they felt the music press were ignoring a generation of older music buyers who were buying CDs. Q was first published by EMAP media group who wanted to produce a music magazine to a high standard of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more".  However in Q’s 200th edition, they believed a single-letter title would be more prominent on newsstands. In January 2008 EMAP sold Q to the Bauer Media Group.

This magazine shows how we should still remember music from years ago. The Beatles are one of the most iconic bands in world history therefore Q have chosen to do a large feature on the Beatles as they know how popular the magazine will be. Even though two of the Beatles are dead, so the band are no longer recording songs it shows how there music was so significant that we still remember them 50 years later.

The audience of Q magazine consists of:
Q T.V.= 293,000 average weekly viewers
Q Radio = 246,000 listeners weekly
Q Twitter = 103,588 followers

Q magazine have a large audience therefore, what is placed on the front cover of their magazine is essential in maintaining their high audience levels.
Also Q has a diverse audience meaning the front cover appears to a variety of people.

This magazine is about representing different types of music. For example the Beatles have been used to attract an older audience however one of the cover stories is about Paramore which are seen as a younger band who will attract a younger audience. Therefore this shows how Q represent different types of music to suit a larger audience.

Contents Page

This contents page is a across a double page. There is lots of pictures which show the reader who else is in the magazine.
Firstly there is lots of images. This is because it makes it easier for the audience to relate to pictures rather than words. Also there is a separate feature for The Beatles as these are the main artists who the magazine are celebrating. Also the largest image is of Snoop Dog who appeared on the front cover of the magazine as a cover story. This creates continuity from the front cover to the contents page.
Secondly there is lots of colours being used. The colours don't follow a colour scheme but it is clear that the main colours used are red and black. These colours match the masthead which is on the front cover of the magazine so it creates continuity.
Thirdly it is clear that this page is the contents page due to the word 'contents' being the largest text size. The issue date is also shown above the word contents and the logo is also present to reinforce the name of the magazine.
Fourthly the contents page is spread across two pages with overlapping images. This is because Q is published monthly so the magazine has a lot of context to include. Also the image of Snoop Dog takes up more room than the image of The Beatles which is not typical of a contents page. Therefore it shows that the magazine represents stories in a different way/style than other magazine. This is not necessarily a bad thing as it is including images of all the main artist in that months publication.

(see front cover)

(see front cover)

(see front cover)
The image of Snoop Dog fits into the genre of R&B and the image of Paramore fits into the genre of pop rock. This is an example of how the images used on the contents page match a wide variety of people's taste in music.
(see front cover)
The contents page is representative of the articles on the front cover. The images are used to represent the main features of the magazine. The other topics within the magazine appears smaller in comparison to the main articles as these are seen as less important and hence the larger images being of the main features.

Double Page Spread

This is the Double Page Spread (DPS) of the magazine. This is about The Beatles as shown on the front cover of this magazine.
Firstly this DPS has one page with text on it and one page with an image. The text about The Beatles which are celebrating the release of 'Please Please Me' and talks with Paul about the making of the iconic album. This is an introduction page before the article begins which implies that the article will be an in depth interview. This text follows a standard font with key words in bold.

(see front cover)

(see front cover)

(see front cover)

(see front cover)

My Music Magazine Genre

Hairstyles and Make-up



Thursday, 9 October 2014

Existing Magazines

This is my analysis on front covers, contents pages and double page spreads:

Music Magazine Content Analysis

Here are three music magazines which I have annotated:

Friday, 3 October 2014

Music Genre Images












