Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation - Q2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In order to decide what type of artist I should feature on the front cover of my magazine, I created 3 mood boards. From this I was able to gain a better understanding of the Motown genre and therefore use these ideas to develop my magazine.

These are my 'Mood Boards' for the genre of Motown:

I also did some extra research into the Motown genre. This meant I could create my main artist around some of these ideas.

Below I have listed some artists which are related to the Motown genre. Looking at these videos and researching these artists I become more familiar which the Motown genre and this helped me to create my music magazine.

The Supremes

Martha Reeves and The Vandellas 

The Jackson 5

Selecting My Artist

I wanted a female artist to be my main image in my magazine. I selected a young girl, Sarah, who is 18 years old. This is what my model looked like when we first started our photo-shoot:

This image shows how my model appearance changed by adding a 3point lighting system, changing the position of the model and changing the models hair.

This shows my model in a different position and with added props. This is the image I used for the front cover of my magazine. The reason why I added props/extra clothing is because I was taking influences from other Motown stars.

For example this image shows how Diana Ross used a head scarf. This attracts the audience as it is something unusual and unique.

The Price
Looking back at my demographics research , I concluded that because my target audience is young people I would need to make my magazine an affordable price. Therefore the price of my music magazine is £4.50.

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