Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation - Q6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During my preliminary task I had an introduction to Photoshop. I found this task very useful because I was using a piece of technology which I was not familiar with. Below I have shown how I carried out each step. This was also a helpful reference when completing my music magazine in Photoshop.

Introduction To Photoshop
This was my first time using Photoshop. My task was to compose an image using sand dunes, a bear, an astronaut and the Eiffel Tower.

Setting up a file and selecting images
I had to set up a file (International paper- A4) which was 800x1000 pixels and had a resolution of 72 pixels. I then named the file as 'Photoshop Test'. After that I used Google to use find for images which were: Sand Dunes, an astronaut, a bear and the Eiffel Tower. These images needed to be more than 400 pixels each. Then I saved these images into a file named 'Photoshop Images'.
Opening an image

I opened up my sand dune. To do this i went on File-open-Photoshop Images-sand dunes-open.
Scaling an image

I scaled my sand dunes. To do this went on Edit-transform-scale. Then I clicked on the corner of the photo and held down the shift key. This helps to keep the photo proportional.

I named the layer 'sand dune'. I did this so I knew what it was called for when it came to layering objects on top of the background.
Adding an image

I opened the image of The Eiffel Tower. To do this I use the same principle as when I opened up my sand dunes. Once open you drag the image on top of the sand dunes.

I then used the zoom tool to enlarge the image of the Eiffel Tower. To enlarge the image you click on the image however to change the magnifying glass to zoom out you hold down the shift key and then click on the image.
Polygonal Lasso Tool

I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to cut out the background of the image. To do this you click on the side on the image and then join the dots up together. The lasso then has flashing dotted lines on the outside, to then delete the background you click inside the dots and press delete.
Image Adjustment

To make an adjustment to an image you click on Image-Adjustments. Then you can choose from the following Brightness/Contrast/Hue/Saturation/Levels.

To give an image a softer edge after I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool. I used the feathering tool. I set it to 1 or 2 pixels this then makes the image less blunt around the edges.
Saving a file

To save the file I clicked on File- Save- Introduction To Photoshop. The when I finished my Introduction To Photoshop I save the file as a JPEG. To do this I clicked on File-Save As- Introduction To Photoshop- JPEG.
Technological Devices

I used the following technological devices to help me create my music magazine:

A Memory Stick:
The reason why I chose to use a memory stick is so I could work on music magazine at home and at college. Therefore it allowed me to complete tasks wherever I needed as it made all my work transportable. Also I saved all my work 16GB memory stick so it could hold all my files such as images and videos which have a large memory capacity. These images show the exact memory stick I used:

Digital Camera:
I used a Samsung digital camera to take my images and videos. This is my own personal camera therefore I could take images when and where I wanted. I also included an SD card which I could store all my images and videos on before I transported them to my memory stick. This image shows the exact camera I used.

Camera Vs. Phone Camera
I have a Samsung camera and a Samsung smartphone phone. I didn't use the camera on my phone because the camera of my phone is a  CMOS, 5.0MP (megapixels) where as my camera is a CMOS 14MP. This meant I received a better quality of image from my camera as it has higher megapixels. Also my camera has an 18x zoom which meant I could focus on certain aspects of  my model more clearly with a sharper focus.

I used a 3 point lighting system around my model. This is a commonly used lighting system in many forms of photography and consists of a 'Key Light', 'Fill Light' and a 'Back Light'. The reason why I chose this form of lighting is because its makes the images a better quality. The images below show a diagram which I followed and how I set up the room which I took my images in.



After my 'Introduction to Photoshop' task I learnt more skills which I can use in Photoshop. This video shows some of the techniques which I learnt in Photoshop.

I also used the clone stamp tool which helped me correct any mistakes I made. This screenshot is an example of me using this for the image on my contents page.

I used Microsoft Publisher to make my DPS as this allowed my to apply text to my DPS. I am familiar with this software but I have never used Publisher in this way before, therefore I learnt lots of new skills using this piece of technology. Firstly I made my DPS in Photoshop then added it in a background format to Publisher. After that I added the text to my DPS, I altered it to suit the conventions of a DPS. For examples I added columns and made sure the words were not hyphenated.

This is a website which allowed me to conduct vital research for my music magazine. I first used this website to research artists which fit the Motown genre of music. These are screenshots of the artists I researched via YouTube.

Secondly I used YouTube to conduct research on Photoshop techniques which I could apply to my images. This screenshot shows me carrying out this research.

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